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Pre-intermediate (A2-B1)
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British English
Pre-intermediate (A2-B1)
Student + Teacher worksheets
In this lesson, the students learn vocabulary to talk about how predators and prey animals use camouflage and mimicry to hunt or protect themselves. They watch a video about animal camouflage and then practise listening and note-taking. In the last part of the lesson, they consolidate their knowledge of plural noun forms. There is a challenging homework task requiring extracting and processing information on the basis of visual input and very little text.
by I. Rybak

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3 September 2023
Super lesson! Excellent material, very engaging for the teens! Thank you for your great work!
14 April 2023
Thank you for this refreshing lesson. Very interesting and engaging content for my students who are nature lovers! I also appreciate authentic recordings and videos even though they can be challenging for my students. I still think it's important to expose them to authentic material as much as possible.
To practice the lexis from the lesson, I used Let's talk about your favourite animal section as homework. I asked them to choose their favourite animal from the lesson or any other animal, decide if they are a prey or a predator and describe what they do to catch a prey or escape from a predator using the word bank provided.
14 April 2023